Monday, November 19, 2007

A View from a Ruler

Hello, my name is Archduke Ferdinand I. I rule the Holy Roman Empire, which includes both Austria and Hungary. I became Emperor when my brother, Charles V, passed away. In my opinion, his death was a bittersweet event. I am a member of the mighty Hapsburg family. My family has control over many parts of Europe. I was born near Madrid, a stronghold of the Hapsburgs. Over the past few years of my reign, there have been a number of wars in the Holy Roman Empire. For example, in 1529, I was forced to take refuge in Bohemia because there was a siege on my beloved city of Vienna. The attackers were the Ottoman armies.
I have extremely strong views regarding the Protestant Reformation. I am against it entirely. I have even ordered my army to suppress the Protestants in my Empire. My deceased brother, Charles V, however, had mixed feelings regarding Luther and his new religion. He was a Catholic, but wanted to undermine the power of the Pope. Therefore, Charles was never completely for or against Luther.
There was a large party in my castle this evening for my daughter Elisabeth. I recently arranged for her to be married to a Polish Prince. I must say, my strategic way of thinking is ingenious. Her arranged marriage will be beneficial to both families. I now have 14 other children to politically marry off, as well. On a different note, I would like to inform you of a new policy I have established in the Empire. I have decided to centralize my Kingdom and become known as an absolute monarch. This policy will make me more powerful and respected.
Archduke Ferdinand I (reign 1521-1564)

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