Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A Member of the Clergy

Dear journal,

The strangest thing has just occurred! I have received word that a fellow clergy member, Martin Luther, has posted a document of 95 Theses on the doors of the Church in Wittenburg. Although I live in the Kingdom of Hungary - far away from Wittenburg - detailed news of this event has arrived with stunning speed (which tells me that this event is extremely important). I have been told that these 95 Theses protest Church policies - most notably the sale of indulgences. I am unsure as to how the Empire will respond to this act. To be honest, Luther is a strange man, but he is already quite popular among the German Princes. It is possible that he might acquire a large following! Emperor Charles V and the rest of the Hapsburg family will be somewhat opposed to Luther because the Hapsburgs are devoutly Catholic. Also, the Pope might condemn Luther as a heretic and put him on trial! I will not be too surprised if Luther is excommunicated from the Church altogether! Even if he is excommunicated, however, his loyal Princes will be able to look after him and hide him from the Pope's men. I am excited to see the reaction to Luther's 95 Theses, but it does no good for me to keep guessing. After all, only time will tell.

Buda, Hungary

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