Thursday, March 13, 2008

A Native African's View on the Partition of Africa

The Partition of Africa by the European countries is outrageous and infuriating. My fellows tribesmen have lived on this continent, following our own customs, for centuries. Who do the Europeans think they are to come and tell me that I am uncivilized because of my traditions? The African tribes have learned how to survive in this land. I am positive that the imperialists would not last long in Africa before dying from disease or getting eaten by wild animals. The Swahili city-states, strongholds of technology and wealth, have recently been destroyed by imperialists. There is virtually nothing left of these great cities; it is a absolute tragedy. Although the evil destroyers soon died from malaria, nothing will ever bring back the treasures that were lost in the Swahili city-states. I have gotten word that the Europeans have met at a Berlin Conference to "divide" Africa among themselves. It seems quite horrific to me that they think they've the right to do this. There were zero African delegates at the conference. From what I have heard, the countries of Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Belgium, and Spain were present at this meeting. These countries are now going to try to impose their languages, religions, and customs on the native people of Africa.

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