Saturday, February 16, 2008

Metternich's View of Conservatism

Hello, I am Prince Klemens von Metternich. I am a wealthy aristocrat from Austria. My position is the Austrian foreign minister. You've probably heard of me, because I led the Congress of Vienna. I would like to state precisely why I support Conservatism. First, tradition is extremely important and I strongly believe in the ideals of the monarchy and nobility. There are many problems in the world today that have started with the lower classes. In my opinion, all of these problems were promoted because of liberalism. I fear that liberalism will cause a great war and ultimately lead to the breakup of Austria-Hungary. To prevent liberalism from spreading, I have created the Holy Alliance, which will monitor any liberal or radical ideas. I've also established the Carlsbad Decrees, which intervene and repress ath any sign of liberalism. I firmly stand by my belief that tradition (and conservatism) will keep peace throughout Europe. Conservatism is practical because it favors obedience to political authority. Another main tenet of this ideology is the belief that organized religion is crucial to the order of a society. In conclusion, conservatism is by far the best ideology because it allows countries to remain peaceful. The only thing a radical idea does is stir up trouble.
Prince Klemens von Metternich
(an aristocrat)

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